Record multiple video clips or for specific length of time

Feature requests for VLC.
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Record multiple video clips or for specific length of time

Postby Viddy » 06 Jan 2012 21:25

My Canon SLR camera takes MOV HD movies . When I open the folder containing the video clips, and double click Play with VLC player, the clips will open and play sequentially with a very slight ( and acceptable ) hesitation at each change of clip. The output is in MP4 format. If I start Record, only the first clip is recorded, the correct and normal operation. Is it possible to set Record to record all the clips, or run for a set time eg. 5 minutes, to cover the replay?

I use a media player to play the videos on an HD tv. A Seagate media player I had, would play the clips seamlessly, as on the computer, but the Western Digital player I now use, requires the clips to be merged, otherwise it shows an unacceptable black flash between each clip - slower processor.

The almost instant play on the tv, files on a flash drive, option is very useful, Xmas, Birthdays etc. VLC would do it very well if it could record the video clip series, as well as being a simple easy option. MP4 can be played anywhere.

I do use Avidemux for serious editing, merging and converting the the .264 HD files. It does this very well, and without further lengthy processing, I would recommend it to anyone.

However, VLC, with a record option, would be such a simple easy to use tool for merging, the files need only to be numbered sequentially. If not available perhaps it could be added.

Regards, Viddy

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Location: Cone, France

Re: Record multiple video clips or for specific length of ti

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 Jan 2012 12:50

Use VLC 1.2.0. It should behave better.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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