Synchronous playback of multiple videos

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 16
Joined: 07 Aug 2011 05:24

Synchronous playback of multiple videos

Postby lovelove » 17 Oct 2011 05:33

suggestion: play multiple video files simultaneously in different output windows.

The video position (timecode) should optionally be synced for all windows.
Absolute syncing: absolute position (timecode) is same for all videos
relative syncing: jump forward/backward by e.g. 20 seconds will jump forward/backward +/- 20 seconds relative to current position in each video

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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VLC version: 4.0.0-git
Operating System: Linux, Windows, Mac
Location: Cone, France

Re: Synchronous playback of multiple videos

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 17 Oct 2011 15:42

No, VLC is not the tool for that.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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