Blabla. Bullshit. Chrome is a 100 engineering team. We are a handful on our freetime.It’s probably like with Chrome: they spend too much time focused on fancy new features that old, existing bugs and requests get back-burnered. (To be fair, I am the same; I work on a program with verve only until I get an idea for a new program, then I push the existing one aside to be continued “later” so that I can work on the fun, novel one.)
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#!/bin/bash script v1.0 by Zarko Zivanov
#Plays movie in vlc with subtitles in black bars below the movie
#Usage: movie_file subtitle_file
#get screen resolution
RES=$(xrandr | grep -E -o "current [0-9]+ x [0-9]+")
RESX=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< $RES)
RESY=$(awk '{print $4}' <<< $RES)
#get video resolution
INFO=$(mediainfo --Inform="Video;%Width% %Height%" "$1")
VIDX=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< $INFO)
VIDY=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< $INFO)
if [ $ASPECTVID -gt $ASPECTRES ]; then
vlc --video-filter croppadd --croppadd-paddtop $PADDING --croppadd-paddbottom $PADDING "$1" --sub-file "$2"
vlc "$1" --sub-file "$2"
It does not work on a dual-monitor configuration - the subtitles stay on the video, not below. On a single monitor it works OK.This was tested on a computer with a single monitor, Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit with vlc 2.0.1. I will test it on a dual-monitor configuration when I manage, or someone could do it and post results.
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