auto-grab from TMP folder

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 21 Aug 2008 21:38
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auto-grab from TMP folder

Postby willem1940NLD » 15 Apr 2011 02:02

Could you program a (switchable) extension working like "IF TMP changed THEN IF change = sympathic mediafile, THEN play that new mediafile" .....


Chrome/Chromium browser in my (puppy)Linux does not support mediaplayers, only flashplayer and I like the Chrom* speed and stability especially on older hardware. It has "download" though for which the folder can be set/varied. I have set VLC as my "default" mediaplayer so only on mighty rare occasions another player needs to jump in.
Als het regent in Limburg, kan het op Aarde best mooi weer zijn.

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