Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Postby marpiw » 13 May 2010 15:39

Please as a future feature for the VLC ''MEDIA PLAYER'' I would ask if you could enable it to play CD's and DVD's and be capable of opening the MRL.
Besides,on the control page you could make the audio,video and reproduction listings usable turning its components into clickable links.
All this it is to say that you could finish your work turning VLC into an authentic ''MEDIA PLAYER" instead of the actual file reader.
Thank you very much.I send you my best regards.

Mega Cone Master
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Re: Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Postby VLC_help » 13 May 2010 17:11


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Postby marpiw » 13 May 2010 22:43

The same question mark that is on my mind.VLC cant play DVD's and CD's because it cant open the Media Resource Locator.So CD and DVD playing its beyond its possibilities.So VLC is just a file reader(its far away from being a MEDIA PLAYER)...it reads marvelously flv files but no disks.
Besides I repeat that in the control page all whats referred to audio,video and reproduction are useless grayed links.
So why dont you finish your work and give the users the possibility of DVD and CD playing?

Mega Cone Master
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Re: Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Postby VLC_help » 14 May 2010 17:18

VLC can play audio CDs and DVD-VIDEO movies.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Postby marpiw » 15 May 2010 15:43

VLC can play audio CDs and DVD-VIDEO movies.
After installing VLC ''MEDIA PLAYER'' four times in the last months and from different sources I always obtain the same error message that VLC CANT OPEN THE MEDIA RESOURCE LOCATOR (commonly known as MRL) which is the heart of any Media Player.So IT IS BEYOND THE CAPABILITIES OF VLC to play any disk that is inserted in the computer player.
I imagine that there are tons of programming missing in the versions you gave for the different sites to download for free in the web and that those versions must be fake versions of the program and that only an ''elite'' class of users does effectively have the complete program (might be the family of the developers).
After these considerations I repeat that I find that VLC IS INCAPABLE OF PLAYING ANY MEDIA SUCH AS DISKS and it is far away of being an authentic Media Player (it only earns the qualification of ''FILE READER'').
Perhaps I would need you to send me the tutorial on HOW TO PLAY CD's AND DVD's SKIPPING THE USE OF THE MRL (Stupid user level).Thanks a lot.I'm waiting for it eagerly(for the time being I will try not to miss VLC and make friends with the Windows Media Player,Nero Show and KMD).
Thanks a lot and I send you my best regards.

Mega Cone Master
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Re: Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Postby VLC_help » 15 May 2010 15:49

If you mean VLC 1.0.5, it has auto opening bug on Win32, but it is fixed in VLC 1.1.0.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Enable VLC to open the MRL and to play DVD's and CD's

Postby marpiw » 16 May 2010 21:57

If you mean VLC 1.0.5, it has auto opening bug on Win32, but it is fixed in VLC 1.1.0.
I have installed yesterday the VLC version 1.1.0. pre4 and it was the same story all over again.Your supposedly last version continues being incapable of opening the MRL,so I give up ...VLC is a nice File Reader which is far off earning the qualification of Media Player...thats it...I wont continue this battle against deaf,dumb and blind support personnell which supposedly help users in this forum...because it seems that I'm the only user in this galaxy who cant play disks using VLC.
Perhaps there are some incompatibilities between VLC and the Windows 7 program I have installed in my computer.
Please tell my dramatic history to some developer...perhaps he will find the clue of this mystery....
Best regards....FINITO

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