Snap VLC to screen edges:
This is a feature present in a few other media players, and it would be nice to have it in VLC player as well. Basically, when you move a VLC player window close to a screen edge (vertically, horisontally or both), then the window gets automatically aligned/pushed to the screen edge (almost like a magnetic effect).
Define position by screen corner:
This is a separate but closely related feature request... Namely, instead of only remembering the upper left window corner it would be nice if VLC could remember window alignment at any of the screen's four corners. VLC would in that case when resizing the window size when loading a video also recalculate the upper left corner position of the window so that the window would remain aligned to the current screen corner (if it is aligned to a corner, that is). As it is, for VLC to remain aligned to a corner you have to set a fixed size for the VLC window and video, resizing the window to the native video size distorts the corner alignment. As for the usefulness of this feature, well, I've for instance always been used to looking at videos at the upper right corner of the screen. Switching to the upper left corner (which is what VLC uses as default) is somewhat unnatural and uncomfortable to me at least.