A few Requests/Suggestions for VLC 1.0.1

Feature requests for VLC.
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A few Requests/Suggestions for VLC 1.0.1

Postby akagambit » 14 Sep 2009 04:01

Fist of all, awesome work with VLC.
It has and always will remain my default video player.

I have never had any problems with it until today when I noticed a few things. I searched and could not find any of these previously listed, but I am only human so if I somehow missed them and they WERE previously posted then I am very sorry.

First off, I always use the default Qt Interface, (as it works good enough for me) so these requests/suggestions are referring to that interface.

So first off I want to start with...

The Fullscreen Controller - Issue #1

Problem: So one of the first things that has always bothered me is the size of the controller. On some screens its nice and long, while on others its too short, on others its not tall enough etc.

Solution: There are a few ways to fix this.
a) One would be to allow users to enter the dimensions of the controller. This would allow them to size it to their liking. However if they have multiple monitors, and switch monitors with the VLC window, then this could force them to re-size the controller each time they swap monitors.
A fix for this is to allow "presets". This way users can save their "dimension configurations", and quickly swap monitors and controller sizes.
b) Another way is to allow the controller to be "re-sizable". Simply place the mouse on either the top, bottom, sides, or corners and drag to re-size to your pleasure. However once again, if they have multiple monitors, and switch monitors with the VLC window, then this could force them to re-size the controller each time they swap monitors. The same fix above can work with this though too. Also a "switch configurations" button could be added for people who would frequently use this feature.
c) The final (and most complex) fix to this is implement a code into the controller to re-size itself by a percentage according to the current monitor's resolution. The percentage would then be editable by the user in the settings. Now the reason that I said "by a percentage" is that some users (like myself) would not like the controller to take up the entire width of the screen, while some are happy with a full width controller.

Here is some examples as to how it COULD display.

Default (Also the size it is now)

Full Width

Mid-Sized Width

Tiny Width

Advanced Settings Window

One way to use/show the presets

Using the "re-sizable" method
Clicking the "New" button would give you this

The Fullscreen Controller - Issue #2

Problem: Well I was watching some Anime and decided it would be nice to be able to skip the opening of each episode, so I went into the "Customize Interface" menu, found the "Step Forward" & "Step Backward" buttons, then took a look at "Jump Sizes" in the hotkey settings to find out that they use the "Short Jump length" size. So I set it up for a little shorter then the opening and saved them up. Then I went back into the "Customize Interface" menu, to add the buttons. I removed the "slower" & "faster" buttons from the ends of the time slider and then added my "Jump" buttons to each end. Then restarted VLC so it could take effect and then went into fullscreen mode, and realized that my buttons were not there. So this brings me to the issue at hand. You can not customize the "Time Toolbar" for the "Fullscreen Controller".

Solution: One small problem, two easy solutions;
a) Make the "Time Toolbar" portion of the "Customize Interface" settings affect the "Fullscreen Controller". Either make it do this by default or add a check box to ask if you want it to affect the "Fullscreen Controller".
b) Add a "Time Toolbar" to the "Fullscreen Controller" portion in the "Customize Interface" settings.

Jump Sizes

Problem: There are four different "Jump Sizes" but only the one is used by the "Step Forward" & "Step Backward" buttons.

Solution: Each "Jump Size" should have its own button. An easy way to do this, (and expand on it even further) is to add a button to the "Toolbar Editor" and then do one of two things;
a) When you drag one of the "Step Forward" or "Step Backward" (or two NEW) buttons over, it asks what "Jump Size" to use or has the option to use a custom size for that button. In the "Tooltips" for the buttons you added to the toolbar it will have a variable showing either the number you entered or the "Jump Size" you selected.
b) The other way of doing this is to add an input or combo/drop-down box where the "Next widget style" options are, which you can set the time for your "Jump Button".

Well, I hope you like these ideas and decide to implement them in your next release, and if not then I hope it has inspired someone else to add these as a plug-in or something.

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