Video post processing option memorized

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Video post processing option memorized

Postby arpcpro » 03 Feb 2008 05:06

I have a fast Prescott CPU so I don't need to reduce the effects on any movie at the moment. So it is very annoying that everytime I open a new movie on VLC that I have to go to Video --> Post processing --> 6 (Highest)

It should not be very dificult to put the player saving this setting so that we don't have to change it everytime I open a movie.


I work with it for 3 years now and another annoying issue with this player is that I still haven't figured out how to automatically load the subtitles file with the same name as the movie file and on the same directory. I've already messed those fuziness setting that has 3 or -3 by default and also changed the folder and it is not very intuitive.

To be perfect it could automatically load the subtitle file on the same directory as BSPlayer does by default.


I also dont know the shortcut keys. In BSPlayer I press forward arrow key to advance 5 seconds, back arrow key to rewing 5 seconds. What about on this player?
Because sometimes while I'm watching a movie, my mom tells me something and I lost a part of the movie. So I have to minimize it with the mouse and use the position bar to get a bit back, but sometimes it goes to much.

It should have a shortcut key on the keyboard to advance/rewind 5 seconds and another key to advance/rewing 1 minute.


Mainly these are the features that I miss the most, and VLC would be a better player with these implemented.

Thank you to all that contribute to make this free player one of the best.


Big Cone-huna
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Re: Video post processing option memorized

Postby CloudStalker » 03 Feb 2008 06:16

CloudStalker can tell you about post-processing and hotkeys. To save the post-processing at 6 select VLC and go to Preferences -> (expand) Input / Codecs -> (expand) Other codecs -> FFmpeg -> Post-processing level.

I think that this is the correct path but I'm not by a computer yet so it's coming from memory.

If you wan't to view the hotkeys go to Preferenes -> (expand) Interfaces -> Hotkeys settings.

Many of these features will be easier to locate in the next version of VLC.

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