Presentation / Theatre mode request

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 24 Sep 2007 21:48

Presentation / Theatre mode request

Postby Goldrocker » 25 Sep 2007 12:05

Hi, I'd like to propose an idea for a customizable feature named Presentation or Theatre mode which would be non other than a one-ckick solution to starting and stopping a video with customized settings. For example if i am a technician, and i'm using a projector or a huge monitor to show videos to the victims(the croud watching) then i'm gonna need an easy to use system or setting that will instantly start the video in fullscreen on the projector, or any selectable display device, and also a single hotkey to stop it, and return to desktop, without the appearence of the media player, or the mouse on the croud's display. I believe this wouldnt be a hard thing to accomplish, and it is more and more needed, due to the incompatability with full-screen video detection of the nvidia driver of the geforce 8 series.

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Presentation / Theatre mode request

Postby CloudStalker » 25 Sep 2007 17:29

I'm not sure that this is anywhere close to what you're asking for but I had the idea of adding a button to the QT4 interface that'll easily let you toggle the second monitor, or in this case projector, on and off. Tell me if this is similar to what you want: Image Clone and Image Split

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 24 Sep 2007 21:48

Re: Presentation / Theatre mode request

Postby Goldrocker » 29 Sep 2007 15:59

well i found a solution to it... its more like a workaround but i'll do for the time being... i've set my video window starting location to be greather than the first monitor's dimentions, thus forcing it to the second monitor, and enabled the start in fullscreen option.

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