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Simple Questions~!

Posted: 21 Mar 2012 18:24
by cobrien84
As a former Program Manager for real-time software (and possessing one of the most obsessive personalities on the planet) I've come to LOVE VLC as a tool for escaping a particularly challenging "OCPD Corner" I created for myself. Per the subject:

1. Where can I find the differences between VLC 2.0.0 and 2.0.1?
2. After reading a LOT about why there was no 64-bit VLC for Windows, I found "vlc-2.0.1-win64.exe" on your ftp site?
3. While I LOVE that VLC "just works," where can I find the DEFAULT "DVD Ripping Format(s)"?

Sorry if any of these questions reflect a lack of patience (for further digging) on my part; I'm finding this program so useful that I'll likely choose to become a donor and may choose to be a contributor moving forward. Thank you!

Re: Simple Questions~!

Posted: 21 Mar 2012 18:33
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
1. in the Changelog; in the git repo; in the trac.
2. Yep, this is normal. This is the first version so far. It might work.... or not...
3. I do not understand.

Re: Simple Questions~!

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 17:28
by cobrien84
I appreciate your quick reply! I found the answer to my #1 using your advice, thank you. #2 is similarly answered, I ripped the same DVD Movie using the 32-bit and 64-bit versions and got the "same" result (by byte count). And while I was (VERY) impressed by the way the two versions set-up according to Microsoft's "preferred" program directory structure, I DID have to manually set-up shortcuts to each version (disregarding the Start Menu Tree at this time.)

Regarding #3; I've (to-date) used VLC without attempting to learn ANYTHING about the program, and have been VERY impressed that it's "just worked" - meaning I've ripped ~(8) DVD Movies (for personal viewing) to files that have an extension of ".mpg" As perhaps the most curious guy in the world, I intend to (in time) learn about codec and container formats - but I find myself wondering (today) what's "under" this ".mpg" default?

This question is compounded by VLC's failure to rip a 9th (Sony) DVD Movie, resulting in an unusable ".a52" file with a minimal (55KB) size. So, as I work my way out of my "OCPD Corner" and teach myself to "not sweat the small stuff," I'm realizing that I NEED to learn NOW if I'm to continue making forward progress. Any guidance you can provide would CERTAINLY be appreciated!

Re: Simple Questions~!

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 15:59
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It is hardcoded into the UI.

Re: Simple Questions~!

Posted: 20 May 2012 21:29
by tittbit
i am laughing,
these are very simple points and it reflects that vlc team has been suffering from lack of funds.

i mean creating a 64bit is damn easy if u can build 32 bit version!!!!