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Single file DVD image that launches VLC?

Posted: 06 Nov 2010 19:14
by rikkus

I'd like to help a friend who will be playing some DVDs that have been copied to a hard drive.

They will find it confusing to have to use 'Open Disc...' and choose a directory containing AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS subdirectories.

I would like to be able to make a single file from these directories, so that this person can simply click the file to play it in VLC.

Does such a file format (and extension for associating with VLC) exist?

Thanks, and apologies for video-file-format newbieness.


Re: Single file DVD image that launches VLC?

Posted: 08 Nov 2010 13:59
by mct
Search the web for "dvd to iso",
You need software that converts dvd to iso
but more importantly you need one of these software that
also works with data if you don't have the actual disc.

Re: Single file DVD image that launches VLC?

Posted: 27 Nov 2010 13:46
by rikkus
I suppose I could associated .iso with VLC, yes, but I was hoping there was some standard extension or archive format I could use which VLC knows about.