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Opening Multiple Video Feeds W/ One Click

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 01:17
by bluke
I am looking for a way to open multiple UDP video streams with just launching VLC and having each window a specified name instead of its IP address.

I have looked through the wiki and I am trying to use the VLM Configuration editor but it doesnt seem to open the files when I put them into the shortcut command string. it also only opens one at a time whenever I hit the play button.

Ideally I would like the windows to all open from the specified sources and not have the controls visable and being able to arrange them or have them all auto arrange such as windows tile horizontally.

If there is any more information required please let me know.

Re: Opening Multiple Video Feeds W/ One Click

Posted: 12 Sep 2010 16:36
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Script it.