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Beginners Help Please

Posted: 07 Sep 2010 16:15
by siweckp
Being quite new to this maybe someone can help me out.

Scenario :

DSL Modem ------> LAN-----> TV Box
| |
| +------> PC/Laptop :?:
WiFi---------------> iPhone :P

Is there a way to capture the TV box streams?
Streaming to my iPhone works great so I really want to view my TV channels on the iPhone.
Thanks in advance

Re: Beginners Help Please

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 12:56
by ivoire
It depends on the box you use (and your FAI obviously).

Re: Beginners Help Please

Posted: 12 Sep 2010 13:18
by siweckp
Box = Motorola VIP1200E / 297
Platform / OS Win CE /5.0.1400
Client Version 1.6.25274.227 (release)
MAC-Address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Client Id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
FAI ????????????
arp -a 01-00-5e-00-00-16 static 01-00-5e-00-00-fc static 01-00-5e-00-00-fd static 01-00-5e-7f-ff-fa static 01-00-5e-7f-ff-fb static

Hope this helps

Re: Beginners Help Please

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 11:19
by ivoire
Sorry FAI is a french worl for Internet Provider. In fact each Internet Provider stream the TV stream to the TV box in a different way. For some the stream is encripted...