Live-Streaming Audio

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New Cone
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Joined: 14 May 2010 19:24

Live-Streaming Audio

Postby DanStrong » 14 May 2010 20:35

Dear all,
I am helping my brother financial office for an office PBX system. I already set up an Asterisk server for 8 extensions. My job is to help him to do a Live-Monitoring to all phone conversations in the office. It’s easy to do that in the local office because Asterisk has an Channel-Spy option but It is not easy (too difficult) to me to do that task over the internet since he wanted to listen live conversation in anywhere he will be at. Asterisk uses SIP via UDP/TCP ports. Each active channel occupy 1 TCP port for over-head information and 2 UDP ports (one for each end) for audio signal. My questions are:
- Can VLC be capable to do live streaming audio for SIP?
- If not, Could you please recommend me to how and what to do for this task?
Thank you very much in advance,

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