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codec conflict? read this.

Posted: 01 Jan 2010 12:56
by pagen_hd
Here's how I resolved a long-standing codec problem.
1. Uninstall Winamp. Winamp is known to cause some notorious codec issues.
2. If step 1 doesn't solve the problem, increase your RAM to 2.5 GB.
3. If step 2 doesn't solve the problem, uninstall EVERY media-related software, and ONLY install those that you need, such as VLC 8) . You could also install K-Lite Codec Pack, which is really clean and stable.

Re: codec conflict? read this.

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 20:22
by 3breadt
Or just use VLC. It does not care about codecs installed on the system.

Re: codec conflict? read this.

Posted: 15 Jan 2010 03:45
by sethideepak
i can't play FXG.Avi files... any help on this
you guys rock

Re: codec conflict? read this.

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 09:17
by imremogheri
new in here!whats new? :)