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PC-Booting Problem

Posted: 12 Dec 2009 07:29
by buddyburton
Hi everyone,
I am running a dual boot system with Windows XP and Vista. The computer works well for a couple of days. This morning I could not boot my computer! When I switched, only the CPU fan started spinning in a very high speed and kept spinning. No beeps, no display on the monitor. I thought it was the problem of PSU. I put another good one in to replace it, but no luck. I took one of the two memory cards out and tested it. No luck. Took the other out and put the first one back in and tested it. No luck. When I was playing with it, the computer booted up once and took me to the operating system selection screen. I selected Vista and then it gave me a blue screen... I don't think it is a video card problem, because the fan should not spin like that. Any idea could be helpful. Thanks a lot in advance.

Re: PC-Booting Problem

Posted: 13 Dec 2009 21:05
by Lotesdelere
I'm afraid some capacitors on your mobo are about to die.
You could also try some Linux Live CD like Knoppix or (k)Ubuntu to check if your system can boot and run with them. There is nothing to install, everything is run directly from the Live CD or DVD.