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newbie needs help getting started

Posted: 11 Oct 2009 03:18
by KenN9VV
Hi, I have an Intel Atom 330 mITX box with audio coming into the LINE-IN of the onboard mobo sound card.
Can I use VLC to send that audio out over the network? how? nothing I have tried works.
VLC is so damn complex that I can't get started.
Would you recommend another product or utility?
I tried Skype and it really sucks with PulseAudio requirements in the current Beta.

thank you for your patience and help,
Ken - Chicago USA

Re: newbie needs help getting started

Posted: 14 Nov 2009 04:17
by tawan
I need to know too.

Re: newbie needs help getting started

Posted: 21 Jan 2010 16:39
So far so good :D But, I am wondering is there any other streaming TV links other than Shoutcast?