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Why not surround sound decoding to multipleout sound

Posted: 25 Sep 2009 22:04
by rwarwarwa
HI there,

I have been trying to find a video player that sees my motu 828 firewire audio interface (8 analog audio outs) as an audio destination and where I can assign the six 5.1 tracks of a movie to. Of all the players out there, I would expect vlc to do it. It really can't be that hard. Or can it? I don't have experience writing code except some simple linux but I was thinking of trying to learn it to do it with vlc. There are certainly others out there with multple out audio interfaces who would want this.

What do you think?

Where could start?



Re: Why not surround sound decoding to multipleout sound

Posted: 26 Sep 2009 16:56
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
IS this motu 828 a 7.1 audio setup or something else?

Re: Why not surround sound decoding to multipleout sound

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 21:25
by rwarwarwa
Hi Jean-Baptiste,

The motu 828 mark II, that I have, is an 8 analog in, 8 analog out sound card used for multi-track recording. It has more ins and outs but those analog ones are what am wanting to use. It is connected to my computer using firewire. It is "seen" by my audio recording applications as well as the built in audio and VLC as an output device. VLC could send out the 5.1 or 7.1 decoded sound track to the individual channels (the individual outs). At this point, VLC only sees it as a stereo device.

Please see link below to the overview of the 828 mk II.


Wayne Adams

Re: Why not surround sound decoding to multipleout sound

Posted: 28 Sep 2009 21:51
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
No idea, how to use that on VLC.