What video codec is the best for "pre-rendering"?

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Pavel Urbanek
New Cone
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Joined: 14 Sep 2009 07:00

What video codec is the best for "pre-rendering"?

Postby Pavel Urbanek » 14 Sep 2009 07:09


I would like to ask about video compression. My problem is that I get uncompressed video clips at 60fps at resolutions from 800*600 to 1680*1050, I need to send these files over the internet somehow (for further editing - means it will be compressed once again when the project is finished) , so far I have been using Xvid with quantizer 4 and the result was not bad. I cant use some lossles codec (like lagarith) since the big file size.

So what are your ideas about the best "pre-rendering" codec? acceptable bitrate is 20 000kbits - 50 000kbits

ps.: the output format/codec should be compatible with sony vegas

Thanks in advance

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