Sorry if this is an obvious question, I really don't have much time to read through all the topics and I don't even know where to start. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
I've been downloading many TV series in .avi and up until now have had no problems. However, in the last two days, I've had two files that aren't read by VLC. This is strange because the rest of the files in their respective series are fine.
What happens is, the download completes but when I play it in VLC, no picture appears but the time bar at the bottom jumps along from start to finish in about 10 seconds. There is no video or audio but it is obviously reading something. In one of the file folders I received this message:
-- logger module started --
main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
-- logger module stopped --
Is it a codec thing? When I look at the .avi, it says it has 350 mb but oddly, no playing time.
Once again, thanks for any help you can give.