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Amino STB & Windows DHCP

Posted: 12 Mar 2008 12:45
by gua76
sorry for the OT message but I didn't know where I had to post this question.

I'm using some Aminet 110 and Aminet 125 but I haven't a Linux DHCP server; so I need to configure my Windows 2000 DHCP server to use it with Aminet. Is this possible ? How can I use my dhcpd.conf on windows ?

Thank you very much and sorry again for the OT.


Re: Amino STB & Windows DHCP

Posted: 01 Apr 2008 22:16
by a910

I had the same issue before,
is your STB has already the image in the flash or its totally fresh ?
if its fresh then you need a linux machine [for mcabootd service ] and also for dhcp.

if there is already an image in the flash, then you can use any dhcp,
I was using MagikDHCP Server over windows XP home, and the Amino 110 could able to get IP address and access to th portal web page.


Re: Amino STB & Windows DHCP

Posted: 01 Apr 2008 23:20
by yohann.martineau
>for mcabootd service

could you give us more details about this service ? i have looked at google but nothing... is it a proprietary service for amino devices ?

My old tests on amino aminet 125 were with a debian dhcp server but i think i lacked some amino specific configuration parameters...

Re: Amino STB & Windows DHCP

Posted: 04 Apr 2008 13:37
by a910
Hi again

this is normal simple dhcp, amino can get the IP address from any dhcpd [even default windows dhcp] but it can't update the software.

this is just to give the STB an ip addres so it can access to the portal page.

i am using this magic dhcpd server because there is no default dhcpd server coming with windows XP or Home [only with server editions].

let me know if you able to make it work.