OK, I have been experimenting with lots of stuff recently, and stumbled upon this GTK based Interface creator called Glade. I am currently in the process of learning it. I am thinking of creating a GUI for VLC using Glade via gtkmm, so as to apply my C++ knowledge to some good use. I am still a newbie into all this stuff, but I can learn fast and I am good at project management.
I need some help/tutorials on using Glade. Any Advice?
And yes, I have already planned most of the layout stuff, with simple ideas like using the notebook feature to enable switching between player controls and playlist.
I want to know what are the bindings I need to use to enable using the VLC Engine. I plan to make this as a wrapper around the commandline ncurses interface for VLC. Any suggestions?
VLC and Other alternatives to Popular Media Players
Website: thesmallerbang.wordpress.com
On Linux, blindly use VLC, SMPlayer, Kaffeine, GXine, Totem and MPlayer
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