live video editing/streaming/recording project for dv

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live video editing/streaming/recording project for dv

Postby christoph » 12 Dec 2003 21:32

Hi everyone!

"Wouldn't it be nice to be able to record multiple dv streams to disk, edit it live and be able to output it for (inter-/intranet) streaming and live display?"

We were in charge of setting up an environment to stream a congress over the internet, display events live in an additional lecture room and record them for later download and for the archive. In the end, we used conventional camera and mixer equipment with an analog cable connection to the projector in the other lecture room, an S-VHS recorder for archiving, Apple's QuickTime Broadcaster and Darwin Streaming Server for the streaming, as you can read in more detail.

This setup was expensive and the results weren't positively astonishing. So I thought about doing as much as possible with digital video. There seems to be no project suitable for this, but some components already exist. Therefore, I have set up a project wiki page to discuss, how this could be achieved.

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