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advice from those who know more

Posted: 23 Apr 2020 16:21
by rowdog44
hello all …

just joined, and would appreciate a little assistance ( patience too I think ) a "Microsoft support" reply nudged me towards the download, so here I am …
that original question was the result of me thinking:
I could take my 1st video... ( made on my android phone) and "fine tune it" using windows video editor …
since it did not recognize the file ,,etc that is how I got here …
getting that same video into vlc now, I can see how to fool with the "look" (which is less critical for me) but a better understanding of
using the "AUDIO controls" and what they actually do ; spatial , compression... could be helpful ….
to be a little more specific … recording my playing / singing off the phone, getting it to the PC to tune up is really all I wish to do …

"all I really want to do is have some fun..."

so any assistance in that direction would be appreciated, and, a bit older a much less tech-savy ...simple is best

Re: advice from those who know more

Posted: 23 Apr 2020 16:35
by rowdog44
forgot...does this allow me to convert a wav file ? iTunes gives me a run-around trying to do some of that stuff


Re: advice from those who know more

Posted: 25 Apr 2020 19:14
by rowdog44
o k got the " wav. file " qweshun worked out …. but no help, as of yet, w / the original post ...anyone lookin at these ?

Re: advice from those who know more

Posted: 07 May 2020 10:36
by peter51
ps to my previous message:
i think it does not matter if android or apple phone. just the v265 codec could be the problem if your computer is not very powerful
regarding file conversions. you can do that in vlc.
go to media, select convert/save.
import file select to covert to what file.

Re: advice from those who know more

Posted: 08 May 2020 18:58
by DrWho42
this seems like the best place to ask!