simple tkinter GUI for (python 3.4)
Posted: 23 Sep 2015 19:26
Below is, a simple tkinter based GUI wrapper for I'm using python 3.4 and windows 10. is based on vlc-python/ I haven't tested it on linux, or on python 2.x or anywhere else.
Below is, a simple tkinter based GUI wrapper for I'm using python 3.4 and windows 10. is based on vlc-python/ I haven't tested it on linux, or on python 2.x or anywhere else.
Code: Select all
#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# tkinter example for VLC Python bindings
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 the VideoLAN team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
A simple example for VLC python bindings using tkinter. Uses python 3.4
Author: Patrick Fay
Date: 23-09-2015
# import external libraries
import vlc
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
import Tkinter as Tk
from Tkinter import ttk
from Tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
import tkinter as Tk
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilename
# import standard libraries
import os
import pathlib
from threading import Timer,Thread,Event
import time
import platform
class ttkTimer(Thread):
"""a class serving same function as wxTimer... but there may be better ways to do this
def __init__(self, callback, tick):
self.callback = callback
#print("callback= ", callback())
self.stopFlag = Event()
self.tick = tick
self.iters = 0
def run(self):
while not self.stopFlag.wait(self.tick):
self.iters += 1
#print("ttkTimer start")
def stop(self):
def get(self):
return self.iters
# def doit():
# print("hey dude")
# code to demo ttkTimer
#t = ttkTimer(doit, 1.0)
#print("t.get= ", t.get())
#print("timer should be stopped now")
class Player(Tk.Frame):
"""The main window has to deal with events.
def __init__(self, parent, title=None):
Tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
if title == None:
title = "tk_vlc"
# Menu Bar
# File Menu
menubar = Tk.Menu(self.parent)
fileMenu = Tk.Menu(menubar)
fileMenu.add_command(label="Open", underline=0, command=self.OnOpen)
fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit", underline=1, command=_quit)
menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMenu)
# The second panel holds controls
self.player = None
self.videopanel = ttk.Frame(self.parent)
self.canvas = Tk.Canvas(self.videopanel).pack(fill=Tk.BOTH,expand=1)
ctrlpanel = ttk.Frame(self.parent)
pause = ttk.Button(ctrlpanel, text="Pause", command=self.OnPause)
play = ttk.Button(ctrlpanel, text="Play", command=self.OnPlay)
stop = ttk.Button(ctrlpanel, text="Stop", command=self.OnStop)
volume = ttk.Button(ctrlpanel, text="Volume", command=self.OnSetVolume)
self.volume_var = Tk.IntVar()
self.volslider = Tk.Scale(ctrlpanel, variable=self.volume_var, command=self.volume_sel,
from_=0, to=100, orient=Tk.HORIZONTAL, length=100)
ctrlpanel2 = ttk.Frame(self.parent)
self.scale_var = Tk.DoubleVar()
self.timeslider_last_val = ""
self.timeslider = Tk.Scale(ctrlpanel2, variable=self.scale_var, command=self.scale_sel,
from_=0, to=1000, orient=Tk.HORIZONTAL, length=500)
self.timeslider.pack(side=Tk.BOTTOM, fill=Tk.X,expand=1)
self.timeslider_last_update = time.time()
# VLC player controls
self.Instance = vlc.Instance()
self.player = self.Instance.media_player_new()
# below is a test, now use the File->Open file menu
#media = self.Instance.media_new('output.mp4')
#self.player.set_media(media) # hit the player button
self.timer = ttkTimer(self.OnTimer, 1.0)
#self.player.set_hwnd(self.GetHandle()) # for windows, OnOpen does does this
def OnExit(self, evt):
"""Closes the window.
def OnOpen(self):
"""Pop up a new dialow window to choose a file, then play the selected file.
# if a file is already running, then stop it.
# Create a file dialog opened in the current home directory, where
# you can display all kind of files, having as title "Choose a file".
p = pathlib.Path(os.path.expanduser("~"))
fullname = askopenfilename(initialdir = p, title = "choose your file",filetypes = (("all files","*.*"),("mp4 files","*.mp4")))
if os.path.isfile(fullname):
print (fullname)
splt = os.path.split(fullname)
dirname = os.path.dirname(fullname)
filename = os.path.basename(fullname)
# Creation
self.Media = self.Instance.media_new(str(os.path.join(dirname, filename)))
# Report the title of the file chosen
#title = self.player.get_title()
# if an error was encountred while retriving the title, then use
# filename
#if title == -1:
# title = filename
#self.SetTitle("%s - tkVLCplayer" % title)
# set the window id where to render VLC's video output
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
self.player.set_xwindow(self.GetHandle()) # this line messes up windows
# FIXME: this should be made cross-platform
# set the volume slider to the current volume
#self.volslider.SetValue(self.player.audio_get_volume() / 2)
def OnPlay(self):
"""Toggle the status to Play/Pause.
If no file is loaded, open the dialog window.
# check if there is a file to play, otherwise open a
# Tk.FileDialog to select a file
if not self.player.get_media():
# Try to launch the media, if this fails display an error message
if == -1:
self.errorDialog("Unable to play.")
def GetHandle(self):
return self.videopanel.winfo_id()
#def OnPause(self, evt):
def OnPause(self):
"""Pause the player.
def OnStop(self):
"""Stop the player.
# reset the time slider
def OnTimer(self):
"""Update the time slider according to the current movie time.
if self.player == None:
# since the self.player.get_length can change while playing,
# re-set the timeslider to the correct range.
length = self.player.get_length()
dbl = length * 0.001
# update the time on the slider
tyme = self.player.get_time()
if tyme == -1:
tyme = 0
dbl = tyme * 0.001
self.timeslider_last_val = ("%.0f" % dbl) + ".0"
# don't want to programatically change slider while user is messing with it.
# wait 2 seconds after user lets go of slider
if time.time() > (self.timeslider_last_update + 2.0):
def scale_sel(self, evt):
if self.player == None:
nval = self.scale_var.get()
sval = str(nval)
if self.timeslider_last_val != sval:
# this is a hack. The timer updates the time slider.
# This change causes this rtn (the 'slider has changed' rtn) to be invoked.
# I can't tell the difference between when the user has manually moved the slider and when
# the timer changed the slider. But when the user moves the slider tkinter only notifies
# this rtn about once per second and when the slider has quit moving.
# Also, the tkinter notification value has no fractional seconds.
# The timer update rtn saves off the last update value (rounded to integer seconds) in timeslider_last_val
# if the notification time (sval) is the same as the last saved time timeslider_last_val then
# we know that this notification is due to the timer changing the slider.
# otherwise the notification is due to the user changing the slider.
# if the user is changing the slider then I have the timer routine wait for at least
# 2 seconds before it starts updating the slider again (so the timer doesn't start fighting with the
# user)
#selection = "Value, last = " + sval + " " + str(self.timeslider_last_val)
#print("selection= ", selection)
self.timeslider_last_update = time.time()
mval = "%.0f" % (nval * 1000)
self.player.set_time(int(mval)) # expects milliseconds
def volume_sel(self, evt):
if self.player == None:
volume = self.volume_var.get()
if volume > 100:
volume = 100
if self.player.audio_set_volume(volume) == -1:
self.errorDialog("Failed to set volume")
def OnToggleVolume(self, evt):
"""Mute/Unmute according to the audio button.
is_mute = self.player.audio_get_mute()
self.player.audio_set_mute(not is_mute)
# update the volume slider;
# since vlc volume range is in [0, 200],
# and our volume slider has range [0, 100], just divide by 2.
def OnSetVolume(self):
"""Set the volume according to the volume sider.
volume = self.volume_var.get()
print("volume= ", volume)
#volume = self.volslider.get() * 2
# vlc.MediaPlayer.audio_set_volume returns 0 if success, -1 otherwise
if volume > 100:
volume = 100
if self.player.audio_set_volume(volume) == -1:
self.errorDialog("Failed to set volume")
def errorDialog(self, errormessage):
"""Display a simple error dialog.
edialog = Tk.tkMessageBox.showerror(self, 'Error', errormessage)
def Tk_get_root():
if not hasattr(Tk_get_root, "root"): #(1)
Tk_get_root.root= Tk.Tk() #initialization call is inside the function
return Tk_get_root.root
def _quit():
print("_quit: bye")
root = Tk_get_root()
root.quit() # stops mainloop
root.destroy() # this is necessary on Windows to prevent
# Fatal Python Error: PyEval_RestoreThread: NULL tstate
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create a Tk.App(), which handles the windowing system event loop
root = Tk_get_root()
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", _quit)
player = Player(root, title="tkinter vlc")
# show the player window centred and run the application