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An unusual application, sort of. Can this be done with VLC?

Posted: 08 May 2015 00:27
by LXP
Hi everyone,

I just registered, although I am a long term, happy VLC user. Great work, thanks to all contributors.

Now, I have an unusual application for VLC, and I need to do something unusual to make it work as intended. I am not sure if my upcoming question would rather be considered a feature request, so I will post it here.

I am using VLC 2.2.1 to feed mp3 soundclips into a voicechat client - basically an audiobot. I am using a playlist from which I let VLC randomly select the next file, which is intended. Currrently, I have VLC set up to pause at the end of each file/track. Of course, I have to click 'next' to play the next file - which works for now, but is not what I really need.

A better solution for my case would be to have VLC pause for a specified amount of time after each track, where the duration of the pause could range between a second and an hour, basically.

The optimal solution, however, would be a random length pause after each track, where the duration would range in between a specified lower and upper limit - again, around 1 second for the lower limit and 1 hour for the upper.

In both cases, VLC should play the next track after the pause, obviously.

I haven't found any setup option to do this. Hence, my question: Can this be done either via options I haven't uncovered yet, or possibly by expanding VLC, maybe with a plugin?

As a side note, I am a seasoned developer myself, thus I wouldn't be afraid to tackle this task myself. But in the case of functional expansion, I definetely could use some pointers/ideas as help, because I have not digged into the depths of VLC yet.

Thanks in advance,


Re: An unusual application, sort of. Can this be done with VLC?

Posted: 08 May 2015 09:35
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
You can insert pauses in the playlist: vlc://pause:1 ... vlc://pause:3600

Re: An unusual application, sort of. Can this be done with VLC?

Posted: 08 May 2015 13:29
by LXP
Thanks a lot, Rémi, for that information. I will check this option and see in how far I can use it for my purpose.