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want to play films but cant.

Posted: 22 Sep 2005 09:49
by creed
please help i dont know what im doing,
downloaded and payed for bit comet downloaded everything including vcl which i thought i could then play downloaded films and tv series on, i download the torents, but they wont play on anything ive got. it driving me mad i feel like ive payed for fresh air, and instuctions for the novice are none existent have i wasted my money? pls help :oops:

thanks :?

Posted: 22 Sep 2005 16:30
by Guest
Oh dear. What's going on then?

Are you sure you are downloading a full movie file or just downloading the .torrent file?

And why are you paying for a torrent program when there are bazillions of free torrent programs out there? ABC, Azureus to name two and the free Opera web browser has it in as standard too.

If the movies are full downloads then you should have files that are probably (for a full movie) 700mb long and end in .avi, .mpg, .asf or .wmv
VLC should have no problems playing the vast majority of these. .avi films that have been encoded with DivX 6 I doubt will play as no open source library has been produced for it, but DIVX 6 is hardly used for the films I think you are probably talking about - these are usually encoded with XVid, which VLC supports no problem.

If you still have problems then you need to tell the forum what problems you are having, what you are trying to do etc in more detail.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005 08:59
by zcot
have i wasted my money?
yes, you got jacked I'd say! Damn that hurts to hear about it.. I'd go for the refund as fast as you can.

then come back here and we can drink a pot of coffee and get buzzed and talk about a solution.

:roll: sorry to hear about it..

What exactly did you pay for and such?

how did this whole scheme come about?

You payed for media files?

Or sharing software and media programs?

Posted: 23 Sep 2005 14:27
by The DJ
And which company told you to use VLC for this?

Posted: 06 Oct 2005 19:23
by Xinos
Bit Comet is just as free as VLC is, it couldn't have been them who asked for money...

Posted: 22 Oct 2005 12:12
by mitkom
Same problem here