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Tutorials on VLC Player

Posted: 18 Jul 2014 17:38
by surfontech
Hi all ,
We just launched the website surfontech (
In our tutorials directory , you will find a section dedicated to Multimedia software .
We have indexed tutorials VLC .
Filters are available for you to choose the format and content of the tutorial..
Our tutorials directory covers all the computer world with a focus on OpenSource technology .
Take a look to our OS section .
We have indexed tutorials for major Linux Distributions (LinuxMint, Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, Slackware, FreeBSD), the different versions of BSD (OpenBSD, FreeBSD) , Windows and MAC OS ...

OUr sofware directory is worth a glance .
We have reviewed multimedia software ( audio player , audio recorder ..... )

Surfontech is an international website translated into 4 languages​​.
Simply click on the corresponding flags to access resources in the language chosie.
Every day, new resources are added.
Keep in touch with us through social networks. .

Website address:
Tutorials for Multimedia software (Resources in English):
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