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Force Index Creation for h264

Posted: 31 Dec 2012 00:15
by JeffG
It is possible to add the same index rebuild function that exists for AVI to h264? If not, anyone know of a reliable MP4 reindexing utility that runs on Windows?

Re: Force Index Creation for h264

Posted: 02 Jan 2013 09:32
by Lotesdelere
Maybe MP4Box or L-SMASH are what you're looking for.
That won't rebuild the H.264 stream though, but only the MP4 container.

Re: Force Index Creation for h264

Posted: 10 Jul 2018 18:37
by ivanferrer
I was looking for the same. When I record part of a video with VLC's red button, some resulting mp4 videos played choppy.
Finally I used the fabulous ffmpeg to easilly reindex them.
I saved a BAT file to Shell:sendto so I can reindex files by right clicking them (one by one) then SendTo->reindex.bat.
You'll have to install ffmpeg or search for it in your system. Use the correct path in the code.
(this obvious code moves original file to TEMP, copies it with ffmpeg to original path, then deletes it from temp)

Code: Select all

set tempo=%temp%\%~xn1 move %1 "%tempo%" "path\to\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "%tempo%" -c copy %1 del "%tempo%
THANKS VLC's and ffmpeg's guys!!