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Posted: 01 Jun 2008 05:08
by quauhtlimtz
Could you please tell me how you built the debug cable?


Do you have amilinux?

so, the failur in operation of your IP STB is due to an unsuccessful upgrade, YES?

so I should say that you may have difficult time correcting the IP STB.

Now, open the cover of IP STB and prepare a standard serial cable.
Aminet has a debug interface ( I have done all of these myself ) this is a serial debug interface, if you connect it to the serial port of your pc you will be able to connect to aminet using Hyper Terminal and you will be able to see the main linux operating system running on aminet.

you should login as root, now, there is a folder in the linux folders of aminet, which contains the main files needed for upgrade operation. as far as i remember this was the bin directory.

There is a file in this directory which indicates if the upgrade operation has done successfully, or if it should begin from begining or if it is in the middle of the upgrade. Now you should set the proper value in this file to point to aminet that the entire upgrade procedure should be begun from the begining.

Take care of your serial cable, it should be a 3.3 volt one otherwise you will burn aminet.

Good luck.

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 26 Apr 2009 16:03
by yuanzhoulv
It seems to me that all over the internet nobody wants to pin-out their serial cable. Thanks for being all so secretive about it.

Anyway, I took my oscilloscope to the internals and I've figured everything out. Here's everything you need:

J7 connector on the Aminet 110:
PIN 1 (square) - VCC
PIN 2 - TX
PIN 3 - RX

PC serial port DB9 connector:
PIN 3 - TX

1. Jumper (short) pins 4,6 on the PC side
2. Jumper (short) pins 7,8 on the PC side
3. Build a TTL-RS232 signal level converter between the PC serial port's TX/RX and the Amino's RX/TX, respectively. This simple one worked beautifully for me ... ter-v2.pdf
4. Connect at 115200,N,8,1.

That's it!

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 02 Jun 2009 10:00
by mustaculous
Does anyone has the idea on how to flash the opera image (0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1) on Amino 110 STB... ?
I have been trying the following procedure, and i have been pretty much successful. STB able to get the IP and starts taking the image [as i believe the solid red light signals the downloading on the STB] but after few minutes it reboots and bring up with the Loading screen again... then again AMINO logo with \"upgrading, do not unplug\" message...

Here is the procedure...

DHCP Server
1- Login as root to the server
2- Create the /etc/dhcpd folder
#mkdir /etc/dhcpd
3- Copy the file “dhcp-latest.tar.gz” to the /etc/dhcpd folder
#cp /folder_path/; /etc/dhcpd
4- Extract the “dhcp-latest.tar.gz” folder
#tar –zxvf dhcp-latest.tar.gz
5- Navigate to the extracted folder
#cd /etc/dhcpd/dhcp-3.0pl1
6- Run the “configure” script
7- Build the DHCP server
8- Install the DHCP distribution
#make install
9- Create the leases file
#touch /var/state/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
10- Copy the “dhcpd.conf” file to the /etc folder
#cp <file_path> /etc
11- Edit the dhcpd.conf
Please refer to the dhcpd.conf editing document
12- Start the DHCPD server
13- Configure the dhcpd server to start automatically via the rc.local file
#vi /etc/rc.local
Add the following line to the rc.local file
su –c ‘/usr/sbin/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcpd.conf &’

Multicast server & STB Flashing station

1- Login as root user to the server
2- Copy the “0.14.7-A110.tar” folder to a temporary folder
#cp <folder_path> /tmp
3- Unpack the folder
#tar –xvf 0.14.7-A110.tar
4- Navigate to the “0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1” folder
#cd /tmp/ 0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1
5- Copy the “mcastbootd” and the “imgcfg” binaries to the /usr/local/bin folder
#cp /utils/imgcfg /mcastserver/mcastbootd /usr/local/bin
6- Make a directory for your file system images
#mkdir /images
7- Copy the key to “/usr/local/share/amino/keys/amino” if the folder is not there then create it
#cp –f /tmp/0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1/utils/keys/amino/KEY.private /usr/local/share/amino/keys/amino
# cp –f /tmp/0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1/utils/keys/amino/ KEY.public /usr/local/share/amino/keys/amino
# cp –f /tmp/0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1/utils/keys/amino/ STBrc-KEY.private /usr/local/share/amino/keys/amino
8- If this is the first time “mcastbootd” is being used, you need to create a blank configuration file
#touch /etc/mcastbootd.conf

9- From within the “/images” directory, follow these steps to configure your bootstrap images
#imgcfg add bootstrap -f /tmp/0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1/bootstrap/bootstrap.signed
#imgcfg config bootstrap –a
#imgcfg config bootstrap –u 11111
#imgcfg config bootstrap -z 1456 (this is the packet size)
#imgcfg config bootstrap -t auth (this is the image type)
10- Do the following steps to configure your Multicast Upgrade image (still from the /images directory)
#cp /tmp/0.14.7-A110-opera-gogi-ami_wm-subs-bitband-1/upgradeimage/mc2.mcfs
#imgcfg fsadd mc2
#imgcfg fsconfig mc2 –a
#imgcfg fsconfig mc2 –u 11111
#imgcfg fsconfig mc2 –i 4 (this is the number of directory repeats per cycle)
#imgcfg fsconfig mc2 –r 512 (this is the rate the data is multicast)
11- Turn on server debug
#imgcfg server –v 4
12- To begin multicasting your images. Ensure that you are in the /images directory and start the multicast carousel. You need this only if you are going to flash the STB with a new image
#mcastbootd –D

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 14 Aug 2009 15:09
by gamera06
My setup is a Debian + DHCP3 server... The dhcp.conf & mcastbootd.conf given before are good. It should work.

Take a look at your /etc/daemon.log (tail it) you should see messages from dhcp3 giving leases to Aminets. The idea is to give the Aminet an IP address in the same broadcast IP your are sending the bootstrap & firmware (ie for the bootstrap and for the image).

To build a mc2.mcfs file you need the amino archive which contains all the tools, config files & sources. This is not a free archive, so you need to be an Amino dealer to have it...

aminio 110 led flashing problem

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 10:58
by kamiarnaziri
hi dears ...
i have problem i hope i can find it in here
i upgradet my amino 110 from my server
but afret restart
it doesnt work...res led flashing and only black backgroand apear in tv
what should i do...
whats the problem

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 30 Sep 2009 08:56
by emby
hi dears ...
i have problem i hope i can find it in here
i upgradet my amino 110 from my server
but afret restart
it doesnt work...res led flashing and only black backgroand apear in tv
what should i do...
whats the problem
Try to change the cable. If you are using the S-video, try the other and the opposite. I had the same problem before.
If it does not work try to change the video system by STBremoteconf. I hope you have the manual, don't you?

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 07:38
by stumnee
It seems to me that all over the internet nobody wants to pin-out their serial cable. Thanks for being all so secretive about it.

Anyway, I took my oscilloscope to the internals and I've figured everything out. Here's everything you need:

J7 connector on the Aminet 110:
PIN 1 (square) - VCC
PIN 2 - TX
PIN 3 - RX

PC serial port DB9 connector:
PIN 3 - TX

1. Jumper (short) pins 4,6 on the PC side
2. Jumper (short) pins 7,8 on the PC side
3. Build a TTL-RS232 signal level converter between the PC serial port's TX/RX and the Amino's RX/TX, respectively. This simple one worked beautifully for me ... ter-v2.pdf
4. Connect at 115200,N,8,1.

That's it!
where do I buy that cable?

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 26 Aug 2011 14:43
by suds

I wanted to log in to Serial Console of Amino125,
To Connect Serial Console you need RS232 Level Shifter (from 3.3v to 5V), PIN 1 (square) - VCC provides power to Level Converter.
I made a RS232 Level Converter (Debug Cable) myself, If any one wants it I can make extra..

Thank You

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 11:21
by den054
Is there anyone with access to the file 0.14.7-A110.tar ?

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 15 Mar 2015 23:54
by martinviper
does anyone have any good(working) firmware files for amino A110?

Thank you.

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 12 Sep 2015 00:13
by MrPirati52
I want to add some new channels to my amino 110 but i dont have an igmp channel list could anyone send me one

Re: Amino 110 STB

Posted: 12 Sep 2015 10:23
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
The list would depend on your IPTV provider. There is not much point in asking here.