witch format for WD Cloud?

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witch format for WD Cloud?

Postby tapinkenia » 29 Jul 2018 15:00

Does anyone knows in witch format I have to convert my DVD’s to safe them on my WD cloud for playing on my TV?

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Re: witch format for WD Cloud?

Postby Fredd_Wils0n » 15 Aug 2018 04:52

It's depends on what formats your TV supports, try the next ones: .mp4, .avi or h.264. Convert a small vidoe file, check it how does it performs on your TV, and then decide what suit you best!

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Re: witch format for WD Cloud?

Postby lucius1954 » 15 Aug 2018 15:02

I am a new user and make a lot of mistakes.
At present, I have 4 problems:

1) A few videos are small, about 10 x 8 cm, in the middle of the screen. How can occupy the whole screen and save the enlarged file?
2) Every now and then, the videos stretch and so remain till the end of the list. It happened ramdomnly, from the 10th on, from the 21st on .......
3) How can I remove the extension (.MOV) at the end of the name of the file that appears at the beginning of he reproduction?
4) I have 64 videos (6 second each about). Can I merge all the64 videos in only one ?

Thank you

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Re: witch format for WD Cloud?

Postby ArmandH » 18 Aug 2018 14:08

expanding a small framed video to the full screen if low resolution will look like "stuff"

for example
a 3 minute 35mm short is about 180 Mb in DVD quality, in 4K it is 670 Mb
first consideration is the quality of the base material plus how and where you wish to display it.

the advantage of cloud storage is the asymmetrical home/small business WAN but
if you are viewing large screen, only at home or small business only I would suggest a local server and wired gigabit LAN

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