noob alert... see if you can help me out.

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noob alert... see if you can help me out.

Postby QuinS33 » 06 Dec 2005 22:59

Before anybody says it, I searched and checked the FAQs alright? I did my part and I still don't have a solution mainly because of the jargon that I don't understand.

Here is my problem:
I ripped the video_ts file successfully off of the DVD, but its too big to put on a single layer DVD-R so I want to make it smaller.

I realize there is probably a way to rip off of DVDs and have the video_ts file be smaller, that would be some useful information. I use Mactheripper to rip the video_ts file off the DVDs I own because I don't know any better way. I would like the DVD-R's to play on normal DVD player if possible.

In short here are my questions:
Is there a better program for ripping out there? Is there an option on Mactheripper for making video_ts files smaller than 4.7 gigs?
Is there any way to make the video_ts files that I already have any smaller or small enough to put on a DVD-R?


Postby Guest » 07 Dec 2005 02:31

i suggest you take this question to the ripping forums on

they are far more knowledgable about this than the VLC team.

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