, could please post true origin as best you know?, could please post true origin as best you know?
So the Wikipedia article is wrong, according to J-B Kempf. Also my initial theory, that the project has a traffic cone logo because of J-B coming from Cone, France, was also proven incorrect, as he came on the project a good while after it had started. Since this is obviously an important topic to a lot of people, could one of the admins with intel on this please provide a direct answer, or, if having reasons not to, provide a clue/hint to the answer? An answer would be something not only would I appreciate but I'm sure a lot of people as well. I'm positively nutty about all things VLC, so this would be awesome to know the answer to. Thank you for your time, I appreciate that you guys are REALLY busy, so if this can't be answered soon, I understand. Just that it would be neat to know a definite answer to, it sure confused the heck out of me when I first started using VLC, as to why a traffic cone was (and is) the logo.wikipedia, but wrong...
Or so he saisWrong again.
the latter.Or so he saisWrong again.
Alright than Jean, give us this hint:
Does the story have something to do with traffic, or rather with the 'cone' shape?
We've been over this..."Under construction"
This shape can be used as a megaphone (speaking-trumpet) to broadcast (acoustic) signal, this is the purpose of the videolan project.
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