I replaced the name of the file by '-' because I needed to input from a file and changed the encapsulation to 'wav'; let denote by
cmd the resulting command:
Code: Select all
vlc - --sout "#transcode{acodec=s16l,channels=2,rate=44100}:std{access=file,mux=wav,url=-}" -q --intf dummy vlc:quit
I works very well, aka when I do 'cat <some audio file> |
cmd | vlc -, for example, I get what I want, i.e. vlc playing a wave from stin.
But when I pipe it though sox, sox assumes (or reads, I don't know) the lenght is 0 and thus does nothing, that is outputs an empty file and quits...
So I decided to try the command without sox in my cdrecord gui (namely gtoaster) and it stuck when I tried to use the conversion, as it was unable to read vlc's output.
There is no output problem since another VLC can read the pipe and play it, but as VLC can read nearly any combination of MUX/CODEC, the error may come from an attempt to output non-standard wave format (but I always thought waves were only raw data in a container indicating rates... might I have been wrong for so long ?).
This problem isn't to much to bother with since I can still use VLC to convert my file, and then use sox througn pipes as gtoaster seems to like, but my first goal was to provide gtoaster with a full and transparent management of audio files.