sort of non-descriptive title i know but i'm lacking inspiration at the moment
so... i'm a new member at this board
i'm Alex for anyone who cares, just to say hello (this is the internet, nobody cares about realworld names oh and yeah i'm addicted to smileys )
just wanted to let the dev's know that i'm still amazed at this program!!!!
it has made linux installations a lot easier, it's superfast, it totally supports add-ons it can play a billion and one formats and it works anyway you use it; VLC doesn't care if i drag a folder to it, or start it from CLI (which is how i use it as an alarm clock :D:D)
it also has one of the best divx codecs around
the last few days i have been going over some programs and reviewing them a little more in detail though and have registered at the corresponding forums. well today when i once again clicked my VLC link i started reviewing that, i loaded up a lot of different formats... played it all as it should, i was done testing but didn't feel like typing a lot of stuff and i wanted to watch a movie, Jumper, which i loaded up in VLC simply by dragging its ass to VLC. now the simple thing that hit me the most after the movie was that it had remembered that i was listening to my stream and since the movie was done.... it loaded up my stream again :D:D BRILLIANT!!!
well... just wanted to show my support, also i am going to look through the translations part of this forum if i can help a bit (i'm from the Netherlands)
thanks all, and thanks dev's