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Stream to 50 clients

Posted: 21 Mar 2012 10:02
by mrparity

I'm very new to this topic and maybe mc questions are stupid, but I dont know who to ask... So thanks for reading this post :-)

I want to serve a stream to round about 50 clients on the internet. On the compter with a camera should run vlc to encode and stream it to a server. The clients now should be able to view the stream by using a flash player (maybe flowplayer). I can not stream to 50 clients directly so i could imagine, that it works like this:

Code: Select all

Camera computer ----------> Media Server|------------> flowplayer -----------> client |------------> flowplayer -----------> client |------------> flowplayer -----------> client |------------> flowplayer -----------> client |------------> flowplayer -----------> client
But what's the media Server in this case? Are I'm totally wrong here?

Thanks for reading this post :-D

Re: Stream to 50 clients

Posted: 21 Mar 2012 11:16
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

Re: Stream to 50 clients

Posted: 24 Mar 2012 00:25
by mrparity
I would like to do it by my self. Is it an unusal need?

Re: Stream to 50 clients

Posted: 25 Mar 2012 14:01
by vel_tins
Try this website, it explains how to "re-stream" a stream from your "homeserver" ... nux-server

Re: Stream to 50 clients

Posted: 07 Apr 2012 02:47
by str3tmonk
Thanks for the link, vel_tins, I appreciate it. I also understand Jean-Baptiste's point about Wowza.

However, can someone tell me how many simultaneous connections can VLC stream? Besides network capacity, what would be the bottleneck?
