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Capturing all the ES of a DVB-T program gives a jerky result

Posted: 11 Feb 2012 09:17
by NovHak
Dear forum readers and contributors,

The title says it all, basically... I don't want to record the full raw DVB-T stream since it's too big (though it works), but I still want all the elementary streams of the program I intend to record, so I gave these arguments to VLC :

MRL : dvb-t://frequency=594000000
DVB-specific options : :dvb-bandwidth=8 :dvb-caching=300
Sout and other parameters : :sout=#duplicate{dst=std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=X:\\Olivier\\test.ts},select="program=1031"} :program=1031 :sout-all

That gives me a jerky result, i.e. the video and audio become corrupted, then resumes, and this happens at least once per minute. Here's a log of the capture process :

Recording the same, but removing the :sout-all option gives me a good video and audio, but that's all I have then ! Here's the log anyway, in case it may help :

Finally I put :sout-all back, but removed the call to the duplicate module, the sout option string being this : :sout=#std{access=file,mux=ts,dst=X:\\Olivier\\test.ts}
This seemed to work better, but then I have all video streams displaying simultaneously, plus the audio streams are messed up, i.e. I have to search among the many audio tracks which one is the correct one... and the capture file is huge anyway, so better dump the raw DVB stream. Here's the log as well :

I also tried :sout-mux-caching=10000 :dvb-caching=10000 (separately and together), but it didn't seem to really solve this.
I'm rather new to VLC streams handling, so maybe I'm missing something... or is this a bug ? The most notable difference I see between the first log and the others is the several "cannot create packetizer output" messages it contains...

Re: Capturing all the ES of a DVB-T program gives a jerky re

Posted: 11 Feb 2012 10:44
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
That's the point of sout-all, include all elementary stream. If you want only one program, don't use sout-all.

Re: Capturing all the ES of a DVB-T program gives a jerky re

Posted: 11 Feb 2012 18:49
by NovHak
Thanks for your reply !

I want all elementary streams of a program. Are you saying it's impossible with VLC ? I doubt this, since using the options mentioned in the first case gives me indeed an MPEG TS file containing all the elementary streams of the desired program. Not using sout-all would give me only one audio and one video ES for that program, as it is mentioned in the documentation. Eventually I must be close, since it's almost perfect... except for those interruptions happening every 30-60 seconds or so !

This certainly can be overcome, either by means of the correct options, or by means of a patch... I'm too close to believe it's a no-go :)

Btw I'm trying to record an HD program, maybe it has something to do with that. I will try with the SD version of the same program and come back here with the results.

EDIT : Sorry for the delay (if only someone still reads me...), I confirm the same happens when I try to record an SD program !