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Posted: 27 Apr 2005 15:02
by woland
Hello, I'm trying to use vlc to stream from a firewire source.
I managed to get input from firewire, using dvgrab. The following works:

Code: Select all

dvgrab - | mplayer -

But if I try

Code: Select all

dvgrab - | vlc -

it says
libdvdread: Can't stat -
File or directory not found
libdvdnav: vm: faildto open/read the DVD

Memory access violation
It's everything in my mother tongue so I'm sorry if the translation of the messages is not perfect.
I'd really really need help with this, thank you in advance!
Btw: Ich benutze linux debian sid 2.6.8kernel vlc is of version 0.8.2-svn Janus.


No solution :-\

Posted: 29 Apr 2005 10:44
by Guest
Got the same problem here, would be nice to know if someone already managed to use Linux for streaming from Firewire. I'd really hate to use Windows for this purpose.....

Posted: 29 Apr 2005 21:17
by woland
I've just succeded to compile the bunch of vlc+libraries . If I start to dvgrab - |vlc -
I get the same memory access error.
Could you help me a bit? I would really need a solution ! I'm struggling with it since a month, and there are no information on this topic, there is only in the forums some minimal info.
Maybe you have found sthing better to stream from firewire?
Please reply!!!



Posted: 01 Dec 2005 16:58
by oliver.quick
I found this in another thread and it worked for me:

Code: Select all

dvgrab - | vlc - :demux=rawdv