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IIS M3u8 Playlist iphone streaming

Posted: 22 Feb 2011 20:05
by kreid4
Hello All
I have used vlc 1.2 to create a .m3u8 playlist (usint livehttp).

If i use my mac all is fine and i can stream to my iphone.

I am trying to do the same with windows7. I have insatlled IIS and media server and that all seems to be working fine. My iphonoe can see wegpages via the IIS server. However the iphone can not play back the M3U8 playlist. If i change the extension to .M3u the iphone attemps to load the movie but never does. So I think all the paths and conections are ok. Does anybody know of any issues with ISS and M3u8. Or i have just made an error somewhere.

I look forward with thanks for any advice and comments.
Thank you

Re: IIS M3u8 Playlist iphone streaming

Posted: 24 Feb 2011 11:50
by kreid4

Please see the the link above for the solution