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odd problem with transcoding to a file

Posted: 30 Dec 2010 07:50
by picspace
I'm using the following code to transcode all files in a folder from .mp4 to .mkv

Code: Select all

for %%a in (*.mp4) do "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc" -I dummy -vvv %%a --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800}:standard{access=file,mux=ts,dst=%%a.mkv} vlc:quit
it starts out creating the new file with the .mkv extension like it should and the file starts getting larger and larger, I can even click on it and it comes up in vlc and starts playing the movie. when it gets to the end of a file where it should be finished and move on to the next it types:
cannot find vlc

then it makes the file size back to 0 (erasing the movie) and then hangs up....

anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Re: odd problem with transcoding to a file

Posted: 31 Dec 2010 01:40
by picspace
does the code I have above look correct at least? which would make it something to do with the files I have perhaps?

Re: odd problem with transcoding to a file

Posted: 01 Jan 2011 10:58
by brianmunk
add vlc://quit to the end of the command. (In previous versions of VLC, just vlc:quit worked.)

vlc %U vlc://quit

Try that instead, however I could not tell you why the filesize ends up zero.