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Intro keeps looping will not play full video

Posted: 31 Mar 2005 20:35
by madpotato
Help: I use command line to launch a stream automatically to 3 different computers. It works fine for a video that does not require clicking and interface embedded in the video. But, when the video requires you to click play inside the video it just keeps playing the title screen.

Is their a way to have command line automatically play a video that requires you to click play inside the screen. To keep vlc from just looping the title screen.

Posted: 01 Apr 2005 00:50
by markfm
I don't know of a way.

If you are trying to stream a DVD, launch with dvdsimple:// instead of dvd://

dvdsimple will play the entire movie, beginning to end. You cannot pick languages or subtitles -- it just does a basic play of the entire film.