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Streaming MJPEG to VLC

Posted: 07 Sep 2010 10:59
by ziggyspaceman
I'm hoping someone here may be able to point me in the right direction with regards to MJPEG streaming format.
I'm wanting to output from a program written in C++ a MJPEG stream and connect to it using VLC say on
From what I've read the output from the server streaming the MJPEG should be as follows:

HTTP Code: 200 OK
Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=myboundary

Content-Type: image/jpeg

<JPEG Image data>
Content-Type: image/jpeg

<JPEG Image data>

My question is regarding the JPEG image data, I am reading & presenting the JPEG image data to VLC in binary format, but VLC returns an error “File Not found” when it encounters the image data.

Now VLC can connect OK to the server exchange headers etc, but the problem arises at the point where the JPEG image data starts, is this the right way to present JPEG image data to VLC or any other media player for that matter. if it's not what is the correct way?

Best Regards