x264 multiple encoding, streaming and save issue

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 21
Joined: 07 Apr 2010 15:38
VLC version: 1.0.1
Operating System: FreeBSD

x264 multiple encoding, streaming and save issue

Postby simon272 » 10 Apr 2010 09:36

Hi, I use VLC to stream video in two resolutions on my site. It works fine, but when I trying to save one of this streams to disc it makes broken .mp4 files. Command line I use:

/usr/local/bin/vlc -d /tmp/rawdv --sout '#duplicate{'dst="transcode{venc=x264{keyinit=10},vcodec=x264,vb=200,width=320,height=240,acodec=aac,ab=48,channels=1,samplerate=22050}:

Due to sound/video desynchronization I use cron to restart VLC each hour. Some times VLC make normal .mp4 files but most of them not playable, GSpot also cant determinate file type etc with this files. VLC v.1.0.1 build from FreeBSD 8.0 ports and runs using root account in daemon mode. -vvv don't show any errors.
Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!

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