vlc problem using fifos

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vlc problem using fifos

Postby wentzel_2m » 11 Jan 2005 15:08

Hi all,

I've been searching through these forums to see if I could find a solution to my problem and allthough a couple of the post comes close to the problem at hand, they don't quite do it.
Well... I need to setup a vlc that listens to a named pipe and does a multicast udp stream.
This gave me loads of problems so I started by letting vlc output to a file instead of a multicast like this:
vlc stream:///tmp/stream --sout file://hello.mpg
cat /path/to/some/mpeg > /tmp/stream

The original mpeg is a MPEG2 TS so I really suspected that the output (hello.mpg) would be (if not a copy) very close to the original.
But when I try to playback hello.mpg with vlc the result is very very strange. Some frames hang for seconds and others fly by many many times the normal speed thus I can "play back" hello.mpg in like 30 seconds and the original file took upwards of 20 minutes.
BUT if I play back hello.mpg through mplayer the result is perfect ???
I have tested this with vlc-0.7.0 and vlc-0.8.1.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


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