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Streaming Trouble with .avi Files

Posted: 03 Oct 2009 11:15
by Bayaman
Some .avi Files didn't run on the Dreambox. Direct on the Mac with VLC its no Problem.
.mpeg Files are runinng.

Whats wrong?

Sorry Guys my english is not very good. Support of german would be great. :D

Here the Error Message:

access_output_http: cannot add stream /
stream_out_standard: no suitable sout access module for `http/ts{pid-video=68,pid-audio=69}://(null)'
stream_out_transcode: cannot create chain
main: stream chain failed for `transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=2000,venc=ffmpeg{strict-rc=1},width=352,height=288,canvas-width=352,canvas-height=288,canvas-aspect=4:3,fps=25,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,sam plerate=44100}:std{access=http,mux=ts{pid-video=68,pid-audio=69},'
main: cannot start stream output instance, aborting
main: mutex_lock failed at misc/variables.c:811 (22:Invalid argument)
main: mutex_unlock failed at misc/variables.c:817 (22:Invalid argument)
access_output_http: cannot add stream /
stream_out_standard: no suitable sout access module for `http/ts{pid-video=68,pid-audiob%3D128%2Cchannels%3D2%2Csamplerate%3D44100%7 D%3Astd%7Baccess%3Dhttp%2Cmux%3Dts%7Bpid-video%3D68%2Cpid-audio%://(null)'
stream_out_transcode: cannot create chain
main: stream chain failed for `transcode{vcodec=mp2v,vb=2000,venc=ffmpeg{strict-rc=1},width=352,height=288,canvas-width=352,canvas-height=288,canvas-aspect=4:3,fps=25,acodec=mp3,ab=128,channels=2,sam plerate=44100}:std{access=http,mux=ts{pid-video=68,pid-audiob%3D128%2Cchannels%3D2%2Csamplerate%3D44100%7 D%3Astd%7Baccess%3Dhttp%2Cmux%3Dts%7Bpid-video%3D68%2Cpid-audio%'
main: cannot start stream output instance, aborting

Re: Streaming Trouble with .avi Files

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 15:47
by peaceful_lad
Hi Bayman,

bayman, have you got VLCF 1.8 installed on your dreambox, it is a dreambox plugin, I am myself running Gemin 4.6 on my clone dreambox and go this plugin intsalled, by going to the blue panel and then AddOns and downloaded it from the Gemini server, I am not sure how it is the case with other dreambox images but it should be similar.

once you get the VLCF installed on your dreambox, you will need o access your DBox via FTP and go to var>tuxbox>Config> VLCF.XML file, access that file and configure it to match the proper settings for your PC (where you are streaming FROM).

then you will need to run your VLC on your PC, I think it is the "file" menu, then "open network stream", choose the proper protocol such as UDP or HTTP and put in your dreambox IP address and that is it.

now you can go back to your dreambox again, and hit the blue button or access your plugins list, and run the "VLCF plugin", this will allow you to see all your movie files on PC and choose the one you like to play.

I hope this helps Bayman, if you need more assistance please write back, i am still trying to find some help on here as well, I am having some trouble streaming from my VLC to my dreambox VLCF.

Best wishes,
