CPU power issue?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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CPU power issue?

Postby tomroth » 05 Jan 2005 03:51


I have 3 computers using a DI-604 router. One computer is Win XP, 2.2 GHz, the other two are Win 98SE, one is PII 350, the other is AMD 450. The AMD has a TV tuner (Terminator TV7131RF) and the 350 an Intel web cam. My XP has a DVD which I can easily start with VLC 0.8.1 and stream to either of my other computers. Love it! The reason I started investigating this type of program was to stream my tuner card to my other computers. Using the exact type of set-up to stream my DVD, when I click OK on the final screen in a couple of seconds I get:


Is this a CPU issue or is there some check boxes I should be checking?

Inerestingly enough, when I try to stream my web cam I get almost the exact same message. Again, CPU or Win 98SE, or some check box issue.

I can tell you EXACTLY what I did with my DVD if it will help.

I need my MTV!!!!


Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Postby markfm » 05 Jan 2005 04:01

Not quite sure what the problem is. You say "My XP has a DVD which I can easily start with VLC 0.8.1 and stream to either of my other computers. Love it!", then " A FATAL EXCEPTION 00 HAS OCCURED AT 0028".

The 2.2 GHz PC should be fine to stream. DVD is a pretty hefty bandwidth user -- anywhere from 4 - 8 megabits per second, typically. Personally, if you have any issues with bandwidth I would suggest a transcode to mp4v/mpga -- the default video transcode of 1 Mbps is really quite nice.

I run VLC on Win2K, WinXP, and WinXP Tablet edition, PCs ranging from 800 MHz to 3 GHZ, haven't seen that error. The common things are:
1) Use the latest VLC (0.8.1 is pretty good, though you could try a nightly build)
2) Fully patched operating systems -- get the latest MS things for all machines.
3) Latest DirectX available for your machines.
4) Latest video drivers for your PC graphics cards.

Two things to possibly try, under Settings -- Preferences (check the Advanced options" box):
1) Under General Settings -- Video, try turning off "Use HW overlay".
2) Down under Modules -- Video Output -- vout_directx, try checking the middle box (Use system memory)

It doesn't sound like either of the above are your issue, iit "feels" like a classic problem which will be fixed by the earlier suggestions.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 03 Jan 2005 01:26
Location: Howell, Michigan USA

CPU power - Thanks

Postby tomroth » 05 Jan 2005 04:10

Hey again,

Maybe I didn' clarify. My Win XP uses the DVD, streams great. When I use the tuner on my AMD 450 or Web cam on my PII 350, that's when I get the FATAL EXCEPTION error, on those computers, not the client. I'll try anything. I re-installed both the tuner card and web cam using the most up to date drivers I could find.

It's weird, it tries to work then, poof, fatal error. Same for both of the lesser computers.

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