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How to send and capture video stream both?

Posted: 03 Sep 2009 19:16
by fcch2000
I am able to open two seperate vlc.exe commands to send stream and capture on one compter over network.
Can vlc 1.0.1 be able to use one vlc.exe command to send camera stream and capture incoming stream at the same time over network?

Here are the two send and capture commands on two different computers to send and capture stream on the same time.

on PC-1
vlc.exe udp://@:1234
vlc.exe dshow:// --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800,fps=10,scale=1,acodec=none}:duplicate{dst=std,access=udp,mux=ts,dst=192.168.222:1234},dst=display}

on PC-2
vlc.exe udp://@:1234
vlc.exe dshow:// --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=800,fps=10,scale=1,acodec=none}:duplicate{dst=std,access=udp,mux=ts,dst=192.168.111:1234},dst=display}

How to combine two vlc.exe command into one vlc.exe command and still working one both send and capture?
