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Have a problem with your webcam?

Posted: 28 Dec 2004 13:06
by Verysoft
WebCamSplitter™ (

It's known that two or more applications cannot use the same stream from the same webcam at the same time. If one application captures a video source,another application cannot reach it because the source is locked. Typical example: you need to give a videoconference with two friends or partners at once. If your videoconference software does not support multiple conferences, you will have to start two instances of the same software. Unfortunately, in this case you may get into trouble because one application will translate video, and the other one will not. What is the solution? It's simple - just use WebCamSplitter.
Using WebCamSplitter, you can share a video stream from your single webcam between ANY number of applications. You can plan multiple videoconferences. You can upload images from your cam and have a chat at the same time. You can broadcast your video to the world and do many other things.


WebCamSplitter is a unique all-in-box product. Besides the main function, that is sharing a video source, it allows to deal with a lot of really helpful things:
* Customization of input/output resolutions. You can use a video stream of any resolution mode from the list of webcam supported resolution modes, independently for input and output. This allows to customize your video as you wish
* Preview for every application that is used with WebCamSplitter
* Preview for the output video stream dependent application that is used by WebCamSplitter
* Digital Zoom and Pan for every application that is used by WebCamSplitter
* Desirable frame rate in a video stream
* Video stream desirable processing quality
* User-friendly interface and detailed help

Besides, WebCamSplitter is always available via system tray just like your ICQ, AIM or Yahoo IM.

Re: Have a problem with your webcam?

Posted: 20 Mar 2008 00:59
by ellegua220
Do you know if VLVC can have more than one conference running similar to webex?