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Stream video + RSS

Posted: 03 May 2009 19:04
by Matdor
Hi, I'm Angel , and I'm from Spain so, sorry for my english :P

Here is my problem, I want to stream video but with RSS, I mean, In the local machine I see the video and the RSS and I want to stream both. It is posible?

Re: Stream video + RSS

Posted: 05 May 2009 20:11
by Matdor
Plss I need to do that, but I dont know how!!!!

Re: Stream video + RSS

Posted: 06 May 2009 16:35
by popper
Hi Matdor I'm Angel....

if you mean some way to convert RSS into Multicast SAP announce "(Session Announcement Protocol) text messages and back, i dont think VLC does that, its a good idea to include it in the future perhaps though ;)

feeding valid RSS video SAP format into a VLC Multicast master SAP announce playlist might be possible from a 3rd party script if you take the time to make it! and plus a copy of rebol to run it for your OS's might be a good start to making such a simple and small cross platform (GUI) client/server app for VLC.

as an added extra you might find this MP3 parser rebol code interesting, as a learning thing, and use/modify it for other binary data input/output related streams
MP3 stream parser

Re: Stream video + RSS

Posted: 06 May 2009 21:27
by Matdor
Thx popper I will take a look :P