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Passive streaming WebCam in RTP and play it with Flash ?

Posted: 05 Jan 2004 15:19
by NeoKoD

Sorry for my bad english..
I want make a chat application in flash with video broadcasting for members
of my site.
The Flash can read over RTP/RTSP, and i see in the lastest version of VLC : "Stream Output :
* Preliminary RTP support."

So, is VLC can be broadcasting ( passive mode ) the webcam over RTP
like the Apple Quicktime Broadcaster ( ) ?


Posted: 06 Jan 2004 15:57
by NeoKoD

I explain my idea :
- the members who have webcam download VLC and stream their webcam on Internet.
- all visitors connect to the flash chat and see the webcams of others members ( Flash can read over RTSP://).

After many tests with VLC ( v7 ) i managed to stream my webcam over LAN with RTP to IP ( so in multicast isn't it ? ) and view
it with 2 others machines of my LAN. But this méthod don't work on Internet.

Another way is the RTP in unicast, but i have read on this forum this method generate a very big bandwith traffic, and require the IP destination of the "viewers".

So i have try to stream my webcam over HTTP server ( with httpd inside VLC ) and read it with VLC on other machine of my LAN. I suppose this working on Internet isn't it ? But i suppose flash can't read it ..

Does somebody know a astuce for playing in flash a stream video generated by VLC ?

At worst, i will search a chat application GPL with webcam ability running of windows and linux. Do you have links about ?

I hope you can help me..
Thanks you very much

Congratulations for your excellent products.

Posted: 06 Jan 2004 16:15
by Murray
Another way is the RTP in unicast, but i have read on this forum this method generate a very big bandwith traffic, and require the IP destination of the "viewers".

So i have try to stream my webcam over HTTP server ( with httpd inside VLC ) and read it with VLC on other machine of my LAN. I suppose this working on Internet isn't it ? But i suppose flash can't read it ..
Well, HTTP streaming is actually unicast streaming. RTP/RTSP and HTTP are not really different on a bandwidth point of view.

And, if you really need a fully operational httpd, please chose Apache, not VLC. At least, not at the moment :)

Posted: 06 Jan 2004 16:26
by NeoKoD
Ok, i will try to read an unicast stream RTP with Flash ( i have no idea how to this..

Thanks murray

Flash RTSP

Posted: 07 Jul 2005 00:41
by thierry
How can you read in RTSP from Flash actually ? It seems to me the RTSP should be sent from their proprietary Flash Communication Server and this server adds overhead (but without this overhead, Flash player does not read RTSP). So you have to use FCS. I would be interested if you found any other method.